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Projects: Projects



Farm to Market Alliance


1, 2, 8, 15, & 17

Farm To Market Alliance  is an Alliance of eight public and private organizations which collaborate to support sustainable agricultural systems and to stimulate stronger markets for smaller scale farmers. The Alliance seeks to improve farmer income and to improve food security globally. GP3 advisors were engaged to assess institutional design and governance options to facilitate interaction between partnering organizations. 

Africa Rice and International Rice Research Institute Alliance


1, 2, 8, 9, 15, & 17

Africa Rice is an international organization comprised of African member states, formed by treaty.  The International Rice Research Institute is an NGO, headquartered in the Philippines and has international organization status through recognition agreements. As two of the CGIAR research centers focused on research relating to rice, the institutions seek to align governance and operational processes to strengthen strategic collaboration. GP3 advisors have contributed institutional design concepts in support of alignment. 

Hives Save Lives


1, 2, 8, 9, 15, & 17

Hives Save Lives supports apiculture in Africa since improved beekeeping practices benefit the ecosystem and provide livelihood for local communities. Rather than ‘honey hunting’ by which natural colonies may be destroyed, modern equipment is provided and sustainable beekeeping techniques are taught.  GP3 experts have provided technical advice relating to fund-raising and to expanding Hives’ programs across borders through the Southern Africa region. 

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