Gavi the Vaccine Alliance
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Gavi supports health SDGs by supporting access to vaccines for millions of the most vulnerable children. Gavi is a public-private institution based in Switzerland comprised of beneficiary countries, funding countries, NGOs, vaccine manufacturing associations, the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. GP3 advisors have served as legal and operational officers and finance consultants.
The TB Alliance
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The TB Alliance an NGO supporting discovery, development and availability of more effective, and affordable drugs to combat tuberculosis. TB Alliance works across sectors in partnership to improve research and accelerate access to better treatments. GP3 consultants have provided advice on funding and institutional matters.
Hilleman Labratories
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The Hilleman Laboratories is a partnership initiative consisting of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. and the Wellcome Trust, which is a global NGO dedicated to human and animal health. The Lab operates in India and targets the creation of new vaccines and adapting existing vaccines to meet needs in low income countries. GP3 consultants served in the strategic advisory group for the program.
Concept Foundation
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Concept Foundation is an international NGO with offices in Thailand and Switzerland which focuses on saving lives through improved availability and access to high quality, low cost, generic sexual and reproductive health medicines. Concept’s activities include helping with quality certification, registration and market introduction of affordable, quality-assured health products. GP3 advisors have served in the Board of Concept Foundation and provided strategic advice in public-private partnership arrangements to further Concept’s objectives.
The HEAL Alliance
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The HEAL Alliance sought to establish a global public-private research initiative to find a functional cure for HIV/AIDs. It attempted to create a “collaboratory” of university research facilities and to jointly manage the resulting technology and intellectual property for public benefit and to use Fin-Tech to encourage fund-raising and targeted bond offerings. The initiative’s objectives were not realized. GP3 consultants provided governance, institution design and transactional advisory support.
Millennium Foundation
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The Millennium Foundation was formed in Switzerland to support Unitaid, a global health partnership by taking “micro donations” from individuals using online booking sites for airline ticket. The Foundation had hoped to raise nearly $1bn per year in donations, to support Unitaid’s programs to provide treatments for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. Its objectives were not achieved, and the organization was wound down. GP3 advisors provided institutional reorganization, partnership transaction and governance support.